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Ticket Disclaimer

Ogden Raptors Ticket Disclaimer


This ticket diclaimer is automatically agreed to upon purchase of any Ogden Raptors ticket for any event that is held at Lindquist Field.


User of this ticket assumes all risk of personal injury, property damage or loss, and is aware of the inherent risk from baseballs, bats or other objects leaving the playing area. Line drive foul balls can and will leave the playing area at a high rate of speed.

Patrons in seats with no protective screening must pay careful attention to the batter as line drive foul balls leave limited reaction time.

Also, Fans using Smart Phones and other Electronic Devices do so at their own risk and accept that they are not watching the game and put themselves at great risk for injury.

All non-used past dated Reserve Box Seat Tickets can be exchanged for a General Admission Ticket to any upcoming Home Game. User of this ticket cannot and will not hold Ogden Professional Baseball, Inc., The Pioneer League, or Ogden City liable form any injuries which may be sustained from the inherent game of baseball or any other activities held at Lindquist Field.

User assumes all risk of property damage or loss when parking around the confines of Lindquist Field, which includes private lots that are subject to cars being towed.

If a legal game is not played, this stub, with proper validation, may be exchanged for a ticket of equal value to any remaining regular season home game.

All bags, purses, backpacks, blankets, etc. are subject to search.


No outside food or beverage is allowed at Lindquist Field.

Any person caught sneaking in food or beverage will have items confiscated and faces expulsion from the premises.

The Ogden Raptors reserve the right of expulsion to any fan for misconduct.